Event Description
2024 Seattle Lung Cancer Conference 2024 Seattle United States

This CME-accredited activity, the 2024 Seattle Lung Cancer Conference, brings together leaders in the field of thoracic oncology to provide an extensive overview of both current and emerging strategies for managing lung cancer (NSCLC and SCLC). The primary aim of this conference is to enhance the knowledge and competence of participants, enabling them to apply practice-changing clinical data and expert recommendations to optimize clinical outcomes for lung cancer patients. The program includes detailed discussions and analyses of the latest scientific discoveries and advancements in molecular testing and targeted therapies for thoracic oncology. The expert faculty will focus on the clinical application of diagnostics, biomarkers, and various therapeutic agents, discussing how these tests and treatments can be effectively used to improve patient care.

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(+1) 206-575-7771
Medical Events Worldwide
12922 SE 299th Street, Auburn WA 98092 USA