Event Description
16th International Conference on Nephrology and Hypertension
Nephrologists Congress 2020 is a global platform for researches that afford a new discovery into nephrology, hypertension, paediatric nephrology, urology, renal care. It also provides a platform to discuss on latest diseases related to nephrology and hypertension. Nephrologists Congress 2020 is hosting a presentation of prominent journals and discussion on Nephrology and Hypertension. The Organising Committee Member can also invite the young researchers to submit their latest scientific researches for the poster session.
- Nephrology and Therapeutics
- Urology
- Clinical Nephrology
- Nephrology Nursing
- Pediatric Nephrology
- Hereditary Kidney Disorders
- Geriatric Nephrology
- Nephrectomy
- Kidney Transplantation
- Diabetes and Hypertension
- Renal Transplantation and Immunology
- Kidney Diseases
- Chronic and End Stage Renal Diseases
- Onconephrology
- Nephrology Diagnosis
- Renal care
- Nephrology Treatment
- surgery in Renal
End Date
Start Date
Event Speciality
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Event Types (Select all that apply)
Medical Conference
Event Registration Contact Email
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CME Credits
Abstract Submission Deadline
Abstract guidelines
- The abstract should be a maximum of 300 words
- a short biography of the author should be attached
- contact details with proper affiliation should be given