We would like to inform you all about the upcoming 2nd Annual Congress on Emergency Medicine & Acute Care” during April 29-30, 2019 at Helsinki, Finland focusing on the theme “Advancement in emergency medicine and acute care”. We heartily invite all the participants who have an interest in sharing their data and analysis within the space of medicine & Acute care.
Emergency medicine is presently the prime focus of analysis in the medicative analysis. Emergency medicine is additionally known as accident and emergency medicine. Emergency medicine the medical specialty treatment for undifferentiated, unscheduled patients with injuries or illnesses requiring immediate medical attention in the acute phase.
Scopes: Emergency medicine is a field of practice based on the knowledge and skills to diagnose disease and injury affecting patients of all age groups in an acute phase. In most of the trendy emergency departments, a large number of patients are treated by emergency physicians and decide according to their conditions either admitting them to the hospital or releasing them after treatment as necessary. This encompasses a wide scope with no boundaries of organ, system or disease pattern. Emergency medicine shares with family medicine the uniqueness of seeing all patients regardless of age, gender or any specifications.
The main goal of ACEMAC 2019 is to share knowledge and getting ideas from expertise that can help us to provide a healthy life for everyone and to fight with emergency situations.
Criselda Martin
Program Manager | ACEMAC 2019