On behalf of the Conference Series LLC Ltd and the Organizing committee of Kidney 2018, we are pleased to welcome you to participate in the 3rd Annual Kidney Congress. The conference will be held from October 19 - 20, 2018 in New York, USA
For more about the congress visit our website: https://kidney.conferenceseries.com/
Major scientific sessions:
Kidney Fluid, Electrolytes, Acid-Base Disorders
Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) CKD -Mineral and Bone Disorders
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Kidney and Bladder stones
Dialysis and Renal Care Urology/Urinary Tract Infections
Kidney Transplantation Geriatric-Genetic Kidney Diseases
Pediatric Nephrology Renal Nutrition
Kidney Cancer Nephrology Nursing
Diabetic Kidney Disease Diagnosis of Kidney Diseases
Cardiovascular Impacts of Kidney Disease Renal Pathology-Immunology
Glomerular-Tubulointerstitial Disorders Treatment, Drugs for Kidney Diseases
Key Reasons to attend
We are cordially inviting you to share your ideas, experience and knowledge with the other participants from all over the world but also to enjoy in the exploring beautiful region of New York.
Receive certificate from international organizing committee members, Network with others in your field or areas of interest, Present your own original work to key international opinion leaders, Participate in practical, clinic-friendly workshops on nephrology, dialysis, transplantation, nutrition & more.
Who Should Attend?
Nephrologists, Cardiologists, Diabetologists, Dieticians, Urologists, Family Physicians, Internists, Medical Students, Nurses, Pathologists, Surgeons, Medical Universities, Dialysis Centers, Pharmaceutical Companies, Associations and Societies.