3rd International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 2020
It is our auspicious time to we are honored to invite you to participate at “3rd International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering” to be held in Berlin, Germany during June 18-19, 2020.
For more info about our speakers: https://chemistry.scitechconferences.com/
The Chemistry 2020 Conference will feature talks on the cutting edge of the discipline that include new innovations, technologies and compounds that advance the science.
This Chemistry2020 Conference for Young Scientists aims to offer a platform for young researchers at master, Ph.D. or early post-doc level from chemistry and life sciences to meet, present research and exchange experience and knowledge. We strive to become more and more international and succeed in doing so. It will provide an international plat form for meeting researchers from all over world, and also create new opportunities & establishing new collaborations.
Young Scientist Award is the International National Top level research award for the best research work in the field of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 3 students from this conference will be selected for this award by the board members of Chemistry2020 Summit.
- Young Scientist Certificate
- Medals
- Momentoes
- International National Level Recognition every year
- Global level Industries Association
- Scholarship
- Career Guide by our Mentors.
Mark Your Calendars for Chemistry2020 meet on June 18-19, 2020 at Berlin, Germany.
3rd International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 2020
For more information, please visit : https://chemistry.scitechconferences.com/submission-system/abstract-submission/