The 4th Asia Pacific Rickettsial Conference (APRC4) will take place in the vibrant city of Penang, Malaysia, in 2025. This conference, held in conjunction with the 61st Annual Scientific Conference of the Malaysian Society of Parasitology and Tropical Medicine (MSPTM), serves as a significant platform for experts, researchers, and healthcare professionals to explore advancements in the study and management of rickettsial and other tropical diseases.
Rickettsial infections, alongside other tropical diseases, represent a substantial public health burden in the Asia-Pacific region. Rickettsial diseases—including typhus, scrub typhus, and spotted fever—are vector-borne, transmitted through ticks, mites, lice, and fleas. These infections, along with other parasitic and vector-borne diseases, are often challenging to diagnose due to their overlapping clinical presentations, leading to delays in treatment and increased morbidity.