On behalf of Organizing Committee, we invite all the participants from all part of the world to attend the Bipolar Neuro 2019 entitled “2nd International Conference on Bipolar Disorder: Depression and Psychiatry” scheduled during November 11-12, 2019 at Istanbul, Turkey.
Bipolar Neuro 2019 is a conference dedicated to Psychiatrists, Neurologists, Neuropsychiatrists and Psychological clinical and medical researchers and consultants with the theme “Understanding the neurological aspects of psychiatry”.
The goal of Bipolar Neuro 2019 is to deliver an extraordinary event for the exchange of ideas and authoritative views by leading scientists which covers the entire spectrum of research in Neurology, Psychiatry and Mental Health and share the cross-cultural experiences of various treatment procedures.https://bipolar.neuroconferences.com/
Title Affiliation, Country AIM: Method: Result: Discussion: (upto 250 words) Biography: (up to 150 Words) Presenting author details Full name: Contact number: Twitter account: Linked In account: Session name/ number: