2nd World Brain Congress 2020 Dubai United Arab Emirates
"On behalf fo our Organizing committee, we welcome all the attendees, presenters, and exhibitors from all over the world to attend and register for the 2nd World Brain Congress during December 7-8, 2020 at Dubai, UAE which has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Committee."
Brain Congress 2020 Conference will give a perfect platform to discuss and share the knowledge and ideas on brain injury. These meetings provide an ideal combination of excellent science, an open atmosphere and allowing attendees and speakers to easily focus on the academic exchange of ideas.
This International meeting is establishing an effort to make possible interactions among world-wide leading scientists, research scholars, Health Care professionals, Neurosurgeons, young researchers from different parts of the world to exchange their knowledge and conduct symposia, show experiments with new innovative techniques that disseminate information about clinical tradition, best practices, skills and knowledge in the field of neurology, neuroscience, Psychiatry. In World Brain Congress 2020, international symposiums, B2B meetings, international workshops will also be organized to discuss the specific topics in the field of neurology.
2nd World Brain Congress 2020 Dubai United Arab Emirates
The scientific Committee members are pleased to invite authors to submit their abstracts for oral, poster, workshop/symposia, to be delivered at the “2nd World Brain Congress” with an excellent research base & networking oppertunity.
Submit your abstract: https://brain.neuroconferences.com/call-for-abstracts.php
Brain Diseases and Failure
Brain Diagnosis and Treatment
Clinical Neurology & Neurosurgery
Brain & Neuro Devices
Brain Degenerative Disorders
Neurology Nursing
Neuro Regeneration & Aging
Neuro Physiology & Neuropharmacology
Case Reports in Neurological Medicine
Neurophysiological & Neuroanatomical aspects in Cardiology
Neuro-Oncology & Brain Tumors
Neuropsychiatry and Mental health
Cognitive & behavioral neuroscience
Molecular brain research
Neuro-Immune Disorders
Attendee benefits:
"Brain 2020" is a unique & best scientific platform for Neurologists, Neurosurgeons, Mental Health specialists, Brain scientists, Brain stroke specialists, Neuro device manufacturing units etc to scale up their experience & Excellency for new hopes in researches across the globe with our peer speakers. Our scientific community has been declared almost 15 major comprehensive sessions, which states current issues & major diseases in the field of brain & Neurology.
- Get feedback on an early version of your latest work
- Network with global professionals
- Get updates on latest researches
- Improve your research and implementation skills
- Visit a new place and gain experiences
- Engage in high-level debates and refine your ideas
- CPD/CME credits available
- Certificate Accreditation from the Organizing Committee
- Accepted Abstracts will be published in the conference souvenir and respective international journal
- Awards on best presentation of Young Research Forum, Poster, Research Excellence and E-poster