5th International Conference on Nursing Science & Practice Nursing Science-2022
USG-United Scientific Group, A non-profit organization, is glad to announce its, 5th International Conference on Nursing Science & Practice (Nursing Science-2022) scheduled for July 20-22, 2022, in New York, NY.
The Nursing Conference 2022 is a leading forum for nurse practitioners, nurse anesthetists, nurse midwives, clinical nurses, and nurse consultants, along with researchers, educators, administrators, policymakers, and students to learn, exchange knowledge and discuss to advance their professional development and clinical performance. This annual conference is one of the largest and most valuable conferences with the diverse presentations dedicated to bringing together nurses who share a passion for patient care.
We are pleased to invite you to attend the Nursing Science-2022 scheduled for July 20-22, 2022, in New York, NY. This is important in bringing nursing to the forefront of thinking on global health and enabling nurses to do even more in improving healthcare globally. Our goal is to continue to offer you the very best in nursing practice, continuing education, career development, and networking opportunities during the conference. We hope this conference will play an important role in providing a platform in 2022 to exchange views and ideas on the theme that healthcare should be for all.
Prospective presenters are invited to submit abstract, either to the General Sessions, to the Workshops/Symposium or Poster Session. The abstracts are categorized as follows:
- Keynote/Plenary Presentations
- Featured Presentations (General Session/Theme Abstracts)
- Workshop/ Symposium Abstracts
- Poster Abstracts
All abstracts must be submitted and presented in clear English with accurate grammar and spelling of a quality suitable for publication in the conference program.
All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by members of the conference committee to ensure an adequate quality, that the proposed subject of the submitted abstract has been followed, that the abstract is of a suitable length, the standard of English is adequate.
For complete information please visit: https://unitedscientificgroup.com/conferences/nursing-science/review-process
If the abstract is accepted, at least one of the authors should attend the conference and present their abstract. Presenting authors of abstracts must be registered participants. The same person may serve as presenting author on up to 3 abstracts.
The corresponding author of the abstract is required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract before submission.
Guidelines for Submission
Abstract title: Limited to 25 words in Title Case.
Abstract text: Limited to 250 words (word count may vary when references, graphs/tables/images are included). A maximum of 3 tables of up to 10 rows x 10 columns can be included per abstract or a maximum of 3 images can be included per abstract.
Abstract topic: Abstracts must be allocated to a specific topic for the Scientific Session. Please choose from the list of scientific topics.
Names and affiliations of authors:
- Provide full names and affiliations (name of organization, city, state if applicable, and country) for all authors
- Provide full postal (including post or zip code) and email addresses and title for corresponding author
- Provide one degree or qualification for all authors
Biography: Please include a brief biography maximum of 100 words per author.