Advancing Cardiometabolic Health from East to West:
Taking place from August 7 - 9, 2020 the upcoming CMHC West will deliver the latest clinical knowledge surrounding cardiometabolic health through interactive and innovative educational formats. Centered upon the intimate relationships between culture and cardiometabolic health, this year’s event will spotlight the latest findings on critical aspects of advanced clinical care including obesity & lifestyle medicine, dyslipidemia, atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes management and more. As a geographically unique and educationally advanced meeting led by some of the nation’s foremost experts on cardiometabolic care, CMHC West serves as a transformative educational experience for clinicians seeking to advance the fight against cardiometabolic disease.
For complete details such as topics to be discussed, please visit
or call us at 877-571-4700
Advancing Cardiometabolic Health from East to West: