Event Description
Fundamentals of Child and Adolescent Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (June 2023) 2023

This course will review the theoretical basis and practical applications of evidence-based psychotherapies for children and adolescents.  It will focus on well-established therapeutic skills for children with mild-to-moderate mental health needs and their families. The course will review case conceptualization and the application of cognitive-behavioral skills including relaxation and mindfulness skills to reduce physiologic arousal, cognitive strategies to address unhelpful thought processes and enhance coping and resilience, and behavioral skills to reduce maladaptive avoidance, increase engagement in pleasant and meaningful activities, and enhance positive parenting practices.  The presenter will review strategies to enhance child and family engagement and address common challenges when conducing therapy with youth.  The course will incorporate didactic training with role plays to illustrate key concepts, and regular live question and answer sessions with faculty to facilitate application of therapy skills in a culturally informed manner.

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Event Types (Select all that apply)
Medical Conference
Medical Educational Courses
CME Credits
Abstract Submission Deadline
(+1) 206-575-7771
Medical Events Worldwide
12922 SE 299th Street, Auburn WA 98092 USA