International Conference on Pediatrics and Child Health 2020 Barcelona Spain
With a great honor Research Valley announce the commencement of “International Conference on Pediatrics and Child Health” during June 25-26, 2020 in Barcelona, Spain. Pediatrics Conference 2020 mainly concentrates on the recent advancements and innovations in pediatrics and child health, and invites pediatricians from across the globe to meet and discuss about the recent findings and innovations. This congress is mainly designed for Pediatricians working in Primary and Secondary Care, and as well as for specialists of Pediatrics, Pediatric Surgeons, Family Medicine Doctors, General Practitioners, Nurse Practitioners, Researchers and Policy Makers.
Abstract guidelines; Abstracts submitted to the conference should be written in English only.
Abstracts should be submitted as per the template available above.
Authors can submit their abstracts in Doc, Docx and Pdf format.
Any act of plagiarism is totally unacceptable.
Each abstract should be strictly within 1 page in length, contains about 250 words.
The presenting author is required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract before submission.