Scitechseries proudly presents this Event that allows you to participate In person at Dubai, UAE. “World Congress on COPD and Pulmonary Diseases,” from December 05-06, 2024. The focus is on “COPD Compass: Guiding the Way to Improved Respiratory Well-being”.
This conference provides participants with global resources and insights, promoting robust communities for international education, research, and awareness of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and related respiratory disorders. It serves as a worldwide platform for exchanging ideas, expertise, and solutions across nations and specialties, endorsing optimal approaches, and empowering a new wave of advocates, activists, practitioners, and researchers. The program includes oral and poster presentations, keynote addresses, plenary talks, symposiums, and exhibitions.
We extend a warm invitation for your participation in this exceptional event, where we seamlessly integrate the latest developments with the pursuit of excellence in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Respiratory Care.