16th Congress of the European Society of Contraception and Reproductive Health 2021 Gent Belgium
16th Congress of the European Society of Contraception and Reproductive Health
25-28 May 2022, Ghent, Belgium
Challenging times, are we ready? Novel approaches to sexual and reproductive health
Challenging times indeed, we live in a “Flat World”, without boundaries, not from a physical nor from an emotional point of view. During this congres we have the great opportunity to focus on a number of themes which are in the heart of this evolution.
- The many faces of birth control with new views on Abortion and Contraception.
- “Sex in the city” with STI’s and innovative solutions in the pharmaceutical industry
- The social media and LGTB+ creating opportunities for further sexual liberation?
- The collateral damage of this rapidly changing world such as sexual violence and (dys)function.
- The “Flat World” has an impact on our thinking about values, ethics and policy making.
We wish you an inspiring journey during the 16th ESC Congress, 25-28 May 2022, Ghent, Belgium.
Mireille Merckx and Steven Weyers
Presidents of the congress
Mary Short
Chair of the Scientific Committee
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/escrh.eu/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/escreprohealth/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ESC_RH
- The abstract submission deadline is 1 November 2021
Abstracts can only be submitted electronically through the online system at:
The presenting authors, whose abstracts are accepted for presentation, must register for the congress and will be able to pay the early registration fee if the notification arrives after the early registration fee date.
- Who can submit? The Organising and Scientific Committee invites all those involved in any aspect of contraception, sexual and reproductive health to actively participate by submitting abstracts, either for oral or poster presentation. All abstracts will be evaluated and those accepted will be published officially on the ESC Website. As only a limited number of oral free communications can be accepted, authors are asked to indicate on their form whether they wish their abstract to be considered ONLY for oral free communication or poster presentation or for either option. Both qualitative and quantitative research is welcomed but not case reports, audit or historical reports.
- Topics for Free Communications and Posters:
- Cultural and ethnic diversity in a changing Europe
- Contraception – all aspect
- Sexual health and sexual infections – all aspects
- Reproductive health pertaining to contraception and sexual health
- The role of: sexual Identity: gender; sexual orientation; pornography; FGM; sexual dysfunction
- The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on sexual health services and provision
- Medico-legal issues; women’s, men’s and children’s rights; ethics
- The use of the Internet in social media; knowledge; education; self-testing; internet governance; data protection; telemedicine
- Service provision: roles and responsibilities of different health care professionals; new ways of providing services
- Psychosexual and mental health aspects of contraception, sexual and reproductive health
- Innovations, new discoveries and therapies in contraception and sexual and reproductive health
- Abortion – all aspects
- Contraceptive and sexual and reproductive health education and training of healthcare providers, users, family and friends – all aspects