4th International Cancer Study & Therapy Conference going to held on April 3-5, 2019 Philadelphia, USA.
The aim is to emphasize scientific, academic activities towards the advances made in rapidly emerging discipline focused on bridging technologies & discoveries in the basic, clinical & translational Cancer research and its practice.
The program will continue the very best features of previous conference’s (ICST-2016, 2017 & 2018) designed with, Keynote lectures, oral sessions, interactive poster presentations and symposia/workshops.
Below are the multidisciplinary scientific sessions of Cancer Science-2019:
• Organ Specific Cancers and Effects
• Approaches of New Drug Discovery & Developments in Cancer
• Clinical and Translational Cancer Research
• Novel Cancer Therapeutics and Epigenetics
• Applications of Nanotechnology in Cancer
• Radiation Oncology
• Biomarkers in Cancer
• Nuclear/Bio Imaging and Radiology
• Carcinogens & their Effects
• Methods of Diagnosis, Treatment & Cancer Prevention
• Vaccines and Cancer Prevention Mechanisms
• OncoGenomics
• Cancer Epidemiology
• Stem Cell Oncology
• Cancer Care and Psychological Support
• Advances in Cancer Therapy & Treatment
• Cancer Pharmacology
• Surgical Oncology
• Oncology
For Online Abstract submission visit: https://cancerscience.madridge.com/abstract-submission
Please mail us at: cancer@madridge.com
Abstract Guidelines
This year, we are once again inviting you to share your insight and recent studies on Cancer research/study & management with poster presentations. So there's really no better place to promote your findings.
Who Should Attend
- Professors
- Medical oncologists
- Radiotherapists
- Scientists
- Surgeons, Physicians
- Radiologists, Pathologists
- Members of Associations and Societies
- Directors
- Medical Students
- Fellowship holders
- Nurses
- Cancer Researchers
- Translational Research Oriented Scientists
Abstract Submission Guidelines:
- Title of the abstract must be in sentence case. The title must represent the abstract content.
- Name of the author and co-authors (if present). You may list up to 20 individual authors for each abstract.
- Provide your full name, degree, institution, address, telephone number, and email address. (Email address of the main author/presenter).
- Abstract content must not exceed 300 words. The body of the abstract should describe your research, results and conclusions of your study.
- A short biography of 100 words of the main author/presenter must be included along with abstract.
- All the abstracts must be submitted before the deadlines provided.
- Abstract will be reviewed by the committee and you will receive an e-mail notification within 24-48 hours of abstract submission.
For the sample template of the abstract, please click here
All the abstracts should be submitted through Online Abstract Submission or can be mailed at cancer@madridge.com