4th International Cancer Expo and Conference welcomes you as our guest to the City of Philadelphia, USA during November 21- 23, 2024. iCancer Conference 2024 has a theme "Innovations in Cancer Research".
For more details- https://www.icancerconference.com/
This expo and conference provides a forum for exchange of ideas and authoritative views by eminent personalities in this exciting field, by bringing together Cancer Science, Drug Development, Nanotechnology in Cancer Treatment, Robotic Surgery, Therapies, Oncology, Clinical trials, Cancer imaging, Medical radiation, Cancer detection, Control and Prevention research professionals. i- Cancer 2024 will have a multidisciplinary focus and aim to give participants a unique opportunity to exchange knowledge and ideas with members of the community working to beat cancer.
For Exhibitor opportunities - https://www.icancerconference.com/exhibit-sponsor
This includes researchers, clinicians, data analysts, commissioners, allied cancer professionals, policy makers, service managers, patients and third sector organizations. The Conference has gained an unrivalled reputation as a global platform for businesses and academicians in terms of addressing Bio-Engineering And Bio-Mechanics In Robotics, Neuro-Oncology, Molecular Pathology, Radiation Oncology, Cancer Proteomics, Cancer Stem Cells, New cancer therapies, Diagnostic issues, hematological rare cancers, International Rare Cancers Initiative, management issues, rare childhood cancers, Diagnostic tools and challenges, Regenerative Medicine, Breast Cancer and its Treatment related issues in the context of meeting the needs of the industry.
iCancer Expo 2024, USA offers unparalleled business, research opportunities and access to new markets in Cancer and Health Care industry. Be on the cutting edge of new and often yet-unreleased information and discover an area that piques your interest.
Join us and witness the booming industry by participating at iCancer Expo 2024 and give your career and business access to new opportunities from throughout the world.
Submit Abstract here:
Register here:
Conference, Cancer, oncology, Oncology - Medical, oncology meetings, Cancer Conference, Philadelphia, Breast cancer conference
Cancer genes, Chemotherapy, Hypoxia, Sarcomas, Lung Cancer, Oral Cancer, Bladder Cancer, Skin Cancer, Hematology, Medical Imaging, Prognosis, Radiotherapy, clinical trials, Epidemiology, Breast cancer, Cancer, Geneticist, Immune system, Pathologist, Prosthesis, Thermography, X-ray, Biopsy, Cervical Cancer, Bone Cancer, Brain Tumors, Kidney Tumors, Urethral Cancer, Thyroid Cancer, Throat Cancer, T-Cell Lymphoma, Soft Tissue Sarcoma, Prostate Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, Leukemia, Kidney Cancer, Carcinoid Tumor, Cancer Stem Cells, Apoptosis, CV Imaging, Cancer Stem Cells, Gastric cancer, Cancer Clinical Trials, Oncology, Chemotherapy,
Cancer Drug Development
Cancer Drug Development
Nanotechnology In Cancer Treatment
Cancer Diagnosis Tools & Technology
Breast Cancer
Social Media Links:
Hilton Philadelphia
4509 Island Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19153, United States
Contact Phone: +1 (215) 305-8030
Abstracts must contain original scientific data collected by the author(s). All reports must be based on work that has already been completed. Any established research design or method may be used. The abstracts will be scored on the following criteria:
- Originality.
- Concept and design
- Presentation
- Clinical applicability
- Other characteristics
All abstracts are to be written in English. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to edit abstracts for grammar and clarity.
All abstracts must be submitted via the abstract form or e-mail. Abstract should be limited to a maximum of 250 words and should include Abstract Title & Biography.
Abstract Title & Biography:
Names and contact details of author(s) {organization, city /country, email, phone numbers, fax numbers and mailing address}. Please indicate the name of the presenter/ clearly and provide the author's biography with the abstract. Biography will be published along with abstract in the conference proceedings book and website upon acceptance.
Abstract submission will be acknowledged via email. If you do not receive an email within one week of submission or have any additional queries please contact the conference coordinator or email us at info@icancerconference.com