On behalf of the Organizing and Advisory Committee, its been great pleasure in welcoming CEO’S, Directors, Surgeons, and Physicians, Professors, Research scholars, Nurses, Ph. D Students, Medical practitioners and experts of application fields to Toronto, Canada for the 10th World Congress on Nursing & Healthcare to foster the progress in the field by contributing with your expertise to what promises to be a very comprehensive and enthusiastic meeting, and to take delight the immense unique artistic heritage and glorious landscape of Canada.
The event will have 5-7 world-class (High cited level) Plenary Speakers, established Keynote Speakers, active Invited speakers, featured speakers, and fresh contributed Speakers all around the World. In addition, a diversity of poster presentations along with workshops and special sessions would be interested in the audience. Attendees are supplied with the gadgets to boost nursing analysis education.
The aim of the WCNH-2020 is to promote quality research and real-world impact in an atmosphere of true international cooperation between scientists and engineers by bringing together again the world class researchers, International Communities and Industrial heads to discuss the modern developments and innovations in the fields of Nursing & Healthcare. It's a forum to explore problems with mutual concern similarly to exchange information, share proof, ideas, and generate solutions.
We sincerely hope that WCNH-2020 serves as an international stage for meeting researchers all around the world, it also includes establishing new collaborations to widen professional contact and create new opportunities.
We are looking forward to seeing you at WCNH-2020 in Toronto, Canada.