Dr. David Rosenblum M.D.(PainExam/NRAP) and Alaa Abd Elsayed M.D.(Author, Pain: A Review Guide) set to host a multi- day Pain Board review w/ optional ultrasound guided injection training workshop, focusing on- Nerve Blocks, Spine, Soft Tissue, and Joints.
This 3 day board review course and 1 day intensive ultrasound workshop has been developed for both fellows and clinicians who would like to learn the basics or further advance their skills in ultrasound guided pain procedures and/or prepare for the pain boards. Attendees who attend optional ultrasound workshop on Day 3 will receive the lecture recordings that they missed as well as CME credit.
Covering Topics-
In-Depth Multi Day Pain Board Review- Novice through Advanced w/ Optional US Guided Injection training workshop(Hands On) covering-
-Upper extremity (Brachial Plexus, Axillary, Suprascapular, Radial, Ulna, Median)
-Lower Extremity (Femoral, Sciatic, Popliteal, Genicular, IPACK, Ankle)
-Soft Tissue and Joint (Knee & Shoulder)
-Peripheral Nerve Block (Occipital, TAP, Ilioinguinal, Intercostal Paravertebral
-Spine (Sacroiliac, Caudal, Cervical Selective Nerve Root, Medial Branch)
19.5 CME for the Board Review, 6 CME for th Ultrasound Training AMA PRA Category 1 Credit (s)