Magnus Group is delighted to announce that it is organizing the well-established event in the field of precision medicine entitled “3rd Edition of International Precision Medicine Conference” (Precision Med 2022) which will be taking place as a hybrid event during August 8-10, 2022 at London, UK and virtually.
The congress will be themed at “Customizing and Exploring Latest Innovations in Patient Centric Drugs”.
Precision medicine has advanced tremendously in the previous decade, and these achievements have made it possible to identify therapy solutions for patients more precisely than ever before. Our global congress will bring together leaders in the field including researchers, scientists, pharmacists, geneticists, clinicians, industrialists and other field professionals to share their knowledge and ways to advance precision medicine into routine practise. Through plenary talks, keynote sessions, oral and poster presentations the congress will demonstrate cutting-edge technology and workflows for implementing precision medicine in clinical settings, rather than merely in research settings. We'll look at various methods for phenotyping patients using EMR data and other AI-driven technologies. Join us at the world's most informative hybrid conference, hear talks and conversations from leaders in academia, pharmaceuticals, biotech, diagnostics, clinical research, informatics, healthcare, and regulatory organisations.
Upcoming Precision medicine Conferences 2022 | Precision medicine Conferences | Precision Medicine Conference | Precision Medicine Conference 2022 | Precision Medicine Congress | Precision Medicine Congress 2022 | Personalized Medicine Conferences | Personalized Medicine Conferences 2022 | Personalized Medicine Conference | Personalised Medicine Conference 2022 | Personalised Medicine Congress | Precision Medicine 2022 | Precision Med 2022 | Personalised Medicine Conferences
For Scientific Sessions PS:
For Abstract submission PS:
For Registration PS:
Dates: August 08-10, 2022
Venue: London, UK
For more details visit: https://precision-medicine.magnusconferences.com/
Email: precision-med@magnusconference.com
Office: + 1 (702) 988 2320
Whatsapp: +1 434 381 1007