4th International Congress on Heart & Cardiology Vancouver, Canada
On behalf of Organizing and Advisory Committee, we take immense pleasure and feels honoured to welcome all the participates to attend “4th International Congress on Heart & Cardiology (cardiology-2020)” which will be held during September 17-18, 2020 at Vancouver, Canada.
Cardiology-2020 is an international event, attracting global participant’s intent on sharing, exchanging and exploring new avenues of Heart & Cardiology and latest developments. This event includes plenary speakers, established Keynote speakers, active Invited speakers, fresh contributed speakers and Young Researchers. In addition, a variety of poster presentations along with workshops and special sessions would be interested in the audience.
The aim of the Cardiology-2020 is to spread knowledge and real-world impact in an atmosphere of true international cooperation between scientists and have interactive sessions by bringing together again the world-class researchers, International societies and Industrial heads to discuss the latest developments and innovations. It is a great platform for companies as well as institutions to represent their research services, products, innovations and research results in the fields of Heart & Cardiology.
Heart Disease & Failure, Heart Diagnosis, Heart Devices, Heart Regeneration, Heart Transplantation, Coronary Heart Diseases, Diet and Heart Disease, Heart Surgery, Hypertension & Sports Cardiology, Diabetes, Obesity & Stroke, Cardiac and Cardiovascular Research, Clinical Cardiology, Pediatric Cardiology, Interventional Cardiology, Cardiovascular Medicine & Cardiac Surgery, Cardiac Problems in Pregnancy, Nuclear Cardiology, Myocardial Infarction, Cardiac Remodeling, Cardiology: Women’s health, Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, Arrhythmia, Research on Cardiology, Cardiology - Future Medicine, Echocardiography(ECG), Cardio-Oncology, Cardiac Nursing, Cardiac Pharmacology, Case Reports on Cardiology, Entrepreneurs Investment Meet.
4th International Congress on Heart & Cardiology
Visit the link to know the Abstract Submission Guidelines: https://www.scientificfederation.com/heart-cardiology-2020/guidelines.php