8th International Congress on Infectious Diseases 2020 Middletown United States
It is our great pleasure to invite you to take part in the major event 8th International Congress on Infectious Diseases which is mainly focusing on Exploring Recent Outbreaks, Advanced Technologies in Treatment & Research of Infectious Diseases during COVID-19 which was scheduled on 15-16 February 2021.
Tracks/Sessions: Coronavirus (COVID-19), Infectious Diseases, Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases, Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases, Infection Prevention, Control and Treatment, Emerging and Re-Emerging Infectious Diseases, Antimicrobial Agents, STD and Contact Diseases, Bacterial Infectious Diseases, Fungal Infectious Diseases, Neglected & Tropical Infectious Diseases, Parasitic Infectious Diseases, Viral Infections, Recent Outbreaks and their Control, Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Food and Water Borne Infections, Pulmonary and Chest Infections, Dental and Oral Infectious Diseases
Event URL: https://infectioncongress.infectiousconferences.com/
Abstract Submission: https://infectioncongress.infectiousconferences.com/abstract-submission.php
Registration URL: https://infectioncongress.infectiousconferences.com/registration.php
8th International Congress on Infectious Diseases 2020 Middletown United States