Managing case management outcomes and the creation of tools with which to study those outcomes is an important component of the work that case management professionals must engage. This data helps us better understand where we are doing well and where we might need to improve. Case management report cards are also a useful tool for reporting data to the Utilization Committee, a requirement under the CMS Conditions of Participation for Utilization Review.
Why Should You Attend:
Case management report cards are an important tool in any case management department’s arsenal. But before you develop a report card, you need to know which data elements you want to track and trend. A comprehensive report card can become of tool for managing the staff and the department, as well as ensuring that the case management outcomes are communicated to all departments and disciplines. Careful selection of the indicators, the benchmarks, and the targets will ensure that your department can show its impact on your hospital’s cost and quality outcomes and the bottom line!
This webinar will discuss and review the expected outcomes of a contemporary case management department. Also included will be a discussion as to how to align these outcomes with the hospital’s strategic plan. This is vital in an era of healthcare reform where quality and cost outcomes affect the hospital’s reimbursement and publicly reported data.
Areas Covered in the Webinar:
- Quality, financial and productivity outcomes affected by a case management department.
- Each set of outcomes, how they are measured and how to select benchmarks for them.
- How to integrate these outcomes into a useful case management report card
- How to report case management outcomes
Who Will Benefit:
- Case Management Director and Manager
- Discharge Planning Director and Manager
- Physician Advisor
- Vice President of Case Management
- Patient Care Services Professional
- Quality Director and Manager