International Congress on Clinical Dentistry Practice 2020 Vancouver, Canada:
We cordially invite you to participate in the International Congress on Clinical Dentistry and Practice to be held in Vancouver, Canada on July 20-21, 2020.
The right choice of conference destination is an important aspect of any international conference. So Vancouver is a beautiful place where it will be possible to show your personal scientific work in an international Congress on Clinical Dentistry and Practice. In particular young investigators and students must be stimulated to present their contribution in neurological sciences.
The program will contain keynote sessions, oral and poster presentations and a student forum. Also, educational workshops and highlights of the day sessions will be available.
There will be six sessions with every four parallel topics on specific basic and clinical themes concerning different diseases of the nervous system and on specific investigation techniques.
There will also be a large opportunity to meet recognized experts in different fields of Clinical Dentistry.
So we hope that many of you will be able to come during summer time in Vancouver and have not only a rewarding scientific congress but also a fascinating exploration of the city with tasty Salmon.
International Congress on Clinical Dentistry Practice 2020 Vancouver, Canada
I prefer: ORAL/ POSTER presentation (delete as appropriate)
Abstract title
(Arial font: size18 point, centred paragraph)
F. Author1 and S. Author2
1Institute, Town, Country
2 another Institute, another town, another country
E-mail: name@mymail.cy
The abstract should be headed by a title, name(s) and complete address (es) of the author(s). Please underline the name of the author who will present the paper.
Abstract (approximately 250-300 words limit)
Abstract should give clear indication of the objectives, scope, results, methods used, and conclusion of your work. One figure and one table can be included in your results and discussions.
Please provide 5-10 Keywords separated by semicolons (“;”).
Recent Publications: Minimum 3 publications to be included
Biography (150 words limit)
Presenting Author Details and Photo
Full Name: XXXX
Email ID: XXX@CCCC.com
Recent Photograph:
General Instructions:
· Paper format: Standard A4
· Font and Size: Arial 11 pt, line space 1.5
· Figures and Tables: Proceedings will be printed in black and white. All figures/table must be integrated in the text. The figure caption style has the same font size as the main text. Please note that colored abstracts will be converted to black-and-white.
Be sure to review one last time, including all authors data, before sending your abstract. Thank you.