Nursing and Healthcare Utilitarian Conferences Gathering
Nursing and Healthcare 2020 is set up on July 29-30, 2020 by Utilitarian Conferences Gathering.
The theme of our Utilitarian Conference is Nursing and Healthcare: A perfect balance for a healthier community.
On behalf of the Organizing and Advisory Committee, we take immense pleasure in welcoming Nurses, Professors, Surgeons, Physicians, CEO’S, Directors, and Research scholars, Ph. D Students, Medical practitioners and experts of nursing and healthcare field to Berlin, Germany for the Nursing and Healthcare 2020.
The conference will have plenary speakers, keynote speakers, speakers from all around the world.
The aim of Nursing and Healthcare 2020 is to discuss and promote the latest research, technologies, innovations and develop networking opportunities.
Conference highlights are Nursing and Healthcare, Nursing Education and Research, Nursing and Healthcare Management, Challenges in Nursing & Healthcare, Explore more on Nursing and Healthcare, Cancer and Tumor Nursing, Principles in Primary Health Care, Public Health Nursing, Gynecology and Obstetrics Nursing, Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, Preventive Medicine, Health Care Systems, Telemedicine, Healthcare and Technology, Globalization and Health, Advances in Nursing and Healthcare, Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, Occupational and Health Safety, Patient Education, Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Orthopedic and Trauma Nursing, Complementary Therapies in Nursing and Midwifery.
To know more PS: https://nursing.universeconferences.com/
Email us at nursing@universeconferences.net
WhatsApp +442033222718
Nursing and Healthcare Utilitarian Conferences Keywords
#NursingConferences #NursingConferences2020 #NursingeducationConferences #NursingCareConferences #EmergencyNursingConferences #NursePractitionersConferences #NursingTheory #ClinicalNursingConferences #NursingLeadershipConferences #NursingMeetings #NursingEvents #NursingManagementConferences #HealthcareConferences2020USA #NursingCareConference2020UAE #NursingDiagnosisConferences #rn #NursingCarePlan2020Europe #NursingConferences2020UK #GlobalNursingConferences #NursingSeminars #CMENursingConferences #TopNursingConferences #InternationalNursingConferences2020 #NeonatalNursingConferences #CriticalcarenursingConferences #AmbulatoryCareNursing #AdvancedNursingConferences #AdvancedNursingResearchConferences2020USA #NursingPracticeConferences #NursingCare2020Asia #NursingConferences2020 #rn #HolisticNursingConferences #PediatricNursingConferences #NursingInformaticsConferences #NursingCNEMeetings #UrologyNursingConferences #AdvancedPracticeNursingConferences #BurnNursingConferences #CardiacnursingConferences #DentalnursingConferences #MedicalcasemanagementConferences #CommunityhealthnursingConferences #Correctional nursingConferences #EmergencynursingConferences #EnvironmentalhealthnursingConferences
#rn #NursePractitionerCMEmeetings #Nursing Education #ClinicalNursePractitioner #CardiacNursePractitioner #CancerNursing #AdultNursePractitioner #PediatricandNeonatalNursePractitioner #PublicHealthNursing #AnesthesiaNursePractitioner
Nursing and Healthcare Utilitarian Conferences Gathering Berlin, Germany:
Call for Abstracts is now open for Nursing and Healthcare 2020 during July 29-30, 2020 with the motto “Nursing and Healthcare: A perfect balance for a healthier community”.
Conference Key Sessions:
Nursing and Healthcare | Nursing Education and Research | Nursing and Healthcare Management | Challenges in Nursing & Healthcare | Explore more on Nursing and Healthcare | Cancer and Tumor Nursing | Principles in Primary Health Care | Public Health Nursing | Gynecology and Obstetrics Nursing | Intensive and Critical Care Nursing | Preventive Medicine | Health Care Systems | Telemedicine | Healthcare and Technology | Globalization and Health Advances in Nursing and Healthcare | Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing | Occupational and Health Safety | Patient Education | Child and Adolescent Mental Health | Orthopedic and Trauma Nursing | Complementary Therapies in Nursing and Midwifery
The presenting speaker/author must register and pay the registration fee (please note that registration is required in order to be included in the final program, to have the abstract published in the online “Book/proceedings” of Nursing and Healthcare 2020, and to be invited to submit an abstract for publication in the official Proceedings.
To submit your abstract/research paper for an oral or poster or young research presenter contribution to Nursing and Healthcare 2020, please fill your details in the abstract submission form. Once you submit your details, you can upload your abstract (format allowed: .doc / .docx / .pdf). The author's account is must needed for communication purposes. Abstracts can be submitted by email. Speakers/Presenters can submit a maximum of three abstracts. All abstracts must be submitted in English. Please do not submit too many copies of the same abstract. All abstracts will be forwarded to the Scientific and Program Committee member for the review process. Once accepted, you will receive a confirmation email from our side.
CFA: https://nursing.universeconferences.com/submit-abstract/