Event Description
2nd PCOS Congress 2025 Istanbul Turkey
2nd PCOS Congress is organized with internationally leading Physicians, Scientists in PCOS research & treatment who are joining us here in Europe to present and discuss their most recent technologies during this event. Our overriding vision is to find new ways for the prevention and treatment of PCOS and strives to change the lives of people with PCOS.
Target Audience:
- Obstetrics and Gynaecologists
- Diabeteologists and Endocrinologists
- Andrologists and Embryologists
- Gynaecological Pathologists
- Gynaecological Oncologists
- IVF Professionals
- Pharmacotherapists
- Endoscopic Surgeons
Conference Central Topics:
- PCOS and Fertility
- PCOS and Women Health
- PCOS, Diabetes and Heart Diseases
- Immunological Approaches of fertility
- Reproductive and Metabolic Disorders
- Gynecological Endocrine Disorders in PCOS
- Complications during Pregnancy
- Bariatric Surgery in PCOS
- PCOS and Stem Cell Treatment
- Epidemiology and Pathophysiology
- Advanced Research in the treatment of PCOS System
End Date
Start Date
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Event Types (Select all that apply)
Medical Meeting
Medical Conference
Online Medical Event
Event Registration Contact Email
Event Information Contact Email
CME Credits
Abstract Submission Deadline
Abstract guidelines
Abstracts can be submitted either for Oral or YRF or Poster categories through online or email: https://pcos.plenareno.com/abstract-submission.php